A short decision driven story.

Made as an entry for the Blackthornprod game jam #3 (2021 January), with the theme "Less is more".

If you wanna take a look behind the scenes, you can check out the source code on GitHub: https://github.com/Vizipokemon/Alice-and-Morgan


  • Clock sound by Tetrisrocker from freesound.org


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Great short and sweet experience!

I love the little  doodles and the accurate time in the bottom of the screen is a amazing touch. The only thing I recommend is a hand-writing font and faster writing speed. Other than that, Great job!


WOW That was really good! I have no other critique other than I think that Morgans typing speed is too slow, Insn't it inside a computer?


I wanted to make him type with a human kind of speed, but I agree, that it turned out a bit too slow. Thanks for the review :)